Humanity – Stagnation is the Number One Killer to Your Happiness

In this article, I will discuss the stagnation in four areas that will lead to the degradation to your happiness.

For thousands of years, the human species is the only organic matter that invested extraordinary resources into the search for Happiness.

For a moment let’s split the organic matter into two groups – the sentience and the non-sentience.

The organic entities that can be group in the non-sentient are mostly plants. They do not have the internal structure to evaluate and measure the pain of a cut or the joy of in a breeze of fresh air – a fact with the current state of science.

The organic entities that can be group into the sentience are mostly animals, including the humans. They do have the internal structure to experience the spectrum in shades of joy and suffering when interacting with the external environment.

Having the internal nervous system and the sophisticated neurons in the brain to evaluate the shades of feelings is the biggest gift Evolution/God has bestowed upon our species.

Googling the definition of happiness – “the state of being happy”.

TheEngineer’s definition of happiness –

Happiness is a positive evaluation in the state of mind in the four areas of the everyday living – Financial, Relationship, Health and Humanity.

Financial – on the contrary to some extreme outlandish claims, no human being can survive without food and water. Slowly and surely, money is the de facto standard in most parts of the world to trade for food and water.

Having the full confidence in the one’s own capability to afford the next meal is a huge psychological boost in the sense of well-being.

Shelter, mate and safety along with food are the basic survival package that money can buy anywhere around the world – the deprivation of basic resources because of lack of money is hardly a joyful circumstance.

Beyond the needed basic survival package are the wants to meet our revolutionary requirement – Monkey see Monkey do!

If you see others have an iphone, it is naturally for you to have the desire to acquire an iphone because of it is a common expression in social behavior – it is an extraordinary challenge for 99% of the population to do things different than others and being happy .

In all the situations ranging from the basic needs and the endless wants, financial will always be the limiting factor to your happiness.

Stagnation in the financial area of your life will eventually led to the degradation to your happiness because you cannot afford things that keep up with the social structure that makes sense to you – the worst to come when stagnation leads to the failure of meeting your basic survival needs.

Relationship – once the basic requirements are met, you and I will long for social connection. The need is rooted since birth because without the social bond with our mother none of us would have survived – moreover, social clan provided security and safety.

As you and I get older, the mating need expanded the circle of our social network by biologically drove us to look for the perfect mate.

The typical mating call in the human species is similar to our related primates, but far different than most other animals – mate searching in most animals is a lone journey, whereas, primates and humans treated the process similar to hunting in a group.

This is why most adolescents aligned themselves with others of the same gender to increase their exposures to the opposite sex – the social structure provides group audition opportunities.

In additional to the mating call as the principle driver, networking with others in the same cohort provides additional opportunities to learn and acquire skills that potentially lead to the betterment in financial necessity – satisfying the biological hunger will always be the primary requirement.

Stagnation in the relationship area of your life will lead to the degradation in your happiness because you and I are psychologically and optimally wired to live, work and die in a group.

Humanity – as the drive meet the basic survival needs (food, mate, shelter and safely) is slowly satisfied and fulfilled, the progression in relationship provides clarity in meaning, purpose of our existence – we are the only animal species that is genetically wired to have the potential in consciousness to explore the vast and mysterious Universe.

Below is the illustration of the types of relationships, you will consciously or unconsciously participate within the span of your lifetime.

Humanity is the highest form of progression in relationship a person can achieve within a lifetime.

This is where you and I are consciously recognized our species as a whole – similar to the first time you stared in the mirror and recognized the reflection as you.

Once you have identified humanity, the journey has just begun. It is this final expedition that if succeeded your reward will be an opportunity at seeing your entire existence in one complete tapestry.Depending where you are in “The Hierarchy of 90 Percents Vs 10 Percents”, the tier determines the milestone in the progression of the relationships spectrum.

For example in the first 25 years the 90Percenters – were allocated with the hope of a full understanding of the “Self”.

The next 25 years determined the next three landscapes of your humanity with respect to – Parents, Family and Friends and Colleagues.

Stagnation in the humanity area of your life will lead to the degradation in your happiness because you and I are genetically wired to head toward the humanity summit.

Health – we are all here on a borrowed time. Fortunately, we are loaned with a generous lifespan to fulfill our personal mission(s).

A generous lifespan does not automatically translated to a strong and healthy life.

In just a little over 3 centuries, the advancement in science has doubled the longevity for most of the world citizens.

Unfortunately, the extended time is plagued with the ailments of the body and the mind at an epic proportion – below is an illustration compared the top 10 leading cause of death worldwide and the United States.

I have yet met a single person whose life is so fulfill and happy because he/she is having one of the listed conditions above.

Few causes of deaths are the functions of poverty and the communal structure. Many of them however, are the resulted of years of neglect due to the lifestyle of one’s own choosing.

Stagnation in the health area of your life will lead to the degradation in your happiness because you and I are required to have a healthy body and mind to live life to its fullest potential.

If you are financially stagnated – start with “An Early Retirement Master Plan…”.

If you are stagnated in relationship – start with “Relationship – One Mate for Life”.

If you are stagnated with your health – start with “Health – Body & Mind”.

If you are stagnated in humanity, purpose and meaning – start reading “Humanity – Your Life is defined by the Transformation of Your Identity”.

Strive for progress because Life feeds on progress – without progress, life will wither and drain out of existence.

Let’s play the game of life!

4 thoughts on “Humanity – Stagnation is the Number One Killer to Your Happiness”

  1. Impersonal Finances says:

    Loved this post. My thought has always been to try and feel content but not complacent. Recognize areas for growth and hold yourself accountable but don’t spend too much time chasing the carrot that you don’t remember the anything else about the chase. Maintaining financial and physical health are two of my top priorities.

    1. TheEngineer says:

      “…chasing the carrot that you don’t remember the anything else about the chase.”
      Many of us do have the consciousness in the understanding of why we are chasing the carrot in the first place – it could be genetically hardwired or programmed by the environment over time and of course it was a hybrid.

      Be sure to invest in the “Relationship” area of your life as well!

  2. Fresh Life Advice says:

    Love the blog 1DesignerLife!! I’m a fellow engineer myself and I also love thinking about evolution. When we look at how our brains are hardwired exactly like you did, we can see what will make us happy. Saving and bookmarking this! Keep up the great work!

    1. TheEngineer says:

      The entire human species are wired to look for happiness. It is futile to look for a something in a messy house. Hence, this blog is an encouragement for the readers to organize their mindsets in these distinct areas. Once the determination of the individual’s needs within these areas are identified, plans and eventual execution are naturally evolved to head toward the eluded “happiness”…Stay Safe!

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