Money – The Forty-Sixty Money Play

Is it possible for anyone to achieve Financial Freedom in 10 years?


The Forty-Sixty Money Play – putting away 60 cents for every dollar earned will break the chain of financial enslavement within ten years time frame.

Before we are going into the detail of the plan let’s finish the discussion of the underlying fundamentals that regulate our behaviors –

  1. Competition
  2. Biological variations
  3. Financial constraint

In the Fifty-Fifty Money Play article we have touched the concept Competition – all life forms compete for resources.

Ironically, it is not competition that resulted in the complex and modern society that separate the human species from the rest of the animals’ kingdom.

All other animal species compete just as hard if not harder than our kind, yet, their worlds do not evolve in complexity at the speed as ours for the last few thousands of years.

It is the hallmark in the biological variations in each and every one of us that emerged the 21st century society.

At the moment of conception, each single human embryo is encapsulated the potential of the entire world at the moment in time and a little more.

If this embryo is nurtured in a “perfect” environment for the 12 to 18 years – he/she will become the Game Changer – the genius that will take the world one step forward toward progress.

There was a split second in the beginning where the entire generation of humanity lined up at the same starting gate – everyone has the same capability and the opportunity to fulfill the hidden potential.

Unfortunately, it is the imperfect environment that will soon shape the trajectory of our lives for the first 12 to 16 years.

The biological variation will result in the natural tendency for each and every single one of us to be drawn toward different things good or bad depending on the environment factors – some will be shaped to change the world, whereas others will take the path of alcoholism or drug use as the end game.

It is rare that the external environments are in tuned with the individual biological variation for the best possible outcome. As a species, this is the ultimate mission collectively we must achieve in order to become the interplanetary kind.

Many of us may not have the choice in the environment for the first 12 to 16 years of our lives – depending on the exact timing of Puberty. Since then and for the rest of our existence, the ball has been in our court for execution.

Let’s move on to the next underlying fundamental that preventing people from stop or moving away from things that are bad for them – financial constraint.

Web search for consciousness came up with the following definition – “the state of being aware of and responsive to one’s surroundings.”

It may not be apparent in the beginning, but eventually most of us are keenly aware the current circumstances are not promoting the unique potential that we are endowed from within – yet, most will continue to stay within the confinement of the situations.

At the surface, it looked as “will” play a critical role preventing many from escaping the grip of the circumstances. However, financial constraint is the major culprit that chained most people to the undesired environment.

Financial constraint prevents many of you from –

  1. Moving to a better neighborhood for the betterment of yourself and the future of your family.
  2. Get help with additions – drugs, alcohol or gambling.
  3. Most of all, financial constraint limits your option of living out life in accordance to your unique potential.

The Forty-Sixty Money Play will break the financial constraint for anyone and anywhere within the ten years time frame.

The design of the Forty-Sixty Money Play is based on the following components –

  1. The scientific research of the 4% Safe Withdrawal Rate (SWR) – readers are encouraged to investigate the SWR topic for additional comfort and understanding.
  2. The long term average return of investment in ten years is between 6 to 7 percents.
  3. The inflation and tax on long term capital gain and dividends is between 2 to 3 percents.
  4. The participant is in good health and is highly competitive in comparison to the average population.

Figure 3 below illustrated a 10 years financial simulation for the 25 years old who executed the Forty-Sixty Money Play with an income of $44980 per year – $39144 after 2018 tax rate.

After 10 years of execution of the Forty-Sixty Money Play by any 25 years old anywhere in the world, the following financial stats are the results from the simulation –

  1. At the 36 years of age, the 25 years old will have accumulated $394,236. The Financial Independent number.
  2. The 4% withdrawal rate from the accumulated saving/investment of $394,236 will generate the income of $15,769.44 for 30 years (Trinity Study).
  3. At the 45 years of age, the 25 years old will have his/her first million.

Mathematically, it is very possible for anyone, anywhere and from any circumstances to achieve financial freedom within the ten years time frame with the Forty-Sixty Money Play.

It won’t be easy for many due to the fact that so many of you have been conditioned to live with a life style that is virtually eliminated the capability for any level of saving.

Is it possible for a single 25 years old to live with a budget of $15,569.44 annually in the year of 2018 anywhere in the United States?

Absolutely – figure 4 below illustrated an example of the Forty-Sixty Money Play budget for the 25 years old with an income of $44980 per year – $39144 after 2018 tax rate.

It is not a glamorous life style for just anyone, but it is surely in line with the level of sacrifice one must be able to tolerate to achieve the end goal.

This is a universal rule of engagement in the Game of Life – there is absolutely nothing in this world has any value unless it is paired up with the comparable or equivalent of sacrifice.

Beginning with the Sixty-Forty Money Play, the Fifty-Fifty Money Play and the Forty-Money Play presented on, all are designed to enable anyone, anywhere and from any financial circumstances to have an opportunity to lead a meaningful life in according to his/her own path of fidelity.

All three plays will require an extraordinary perseverance and personal determination from the owner of the play.

The ultimate decision is your court – what will be your Money Play?

Let’s play the Game of Life!

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