Relationship – Crowded Loneliness

With the fertility rate at 2.51, the world population is roaring pass the 7.7 billion mark as of the first quarter of the 21st century.

With the exception of the extreme climate areas, there is not many places on the planet where there is completely void of any sign of people who have invested their time and effort to build homes and raised their families.

In the day to day living, it is astronomically impossible to completely finish the full day without the interaction with another human being – yet, there are many empirical data that revealed people are living lonely lives.


It is the quality – people are living out their lives without or very little meaningful relationship.

They do not have the organic relationship that grows with time.

Relationship is too complex for most people to understand because it is beyond the reach of the human five basic senses – it cannot be seen, heard, tasted, touched or smelled.

For hundreds thousands of years, Evolution has endowed us with the five senses as the essentials tools for survival.

Since the dawn of civilization, tools have been invented to extend these five senses capabilities – resulted in the modern world in the 21st centuries.

The five senses with the enhanced capabilities through the innovations of tools are making progress in the area of tangibles – genetics, robotics and cutting edge of artificial intelligence.

They have yet impacted the scientific understanding of the non-tangible – relationship.

What is love?

What is happiness?

How do you see, touch, taste, hear and smell love or relationship?

Why love and happiness are essentials to life?

Love and happiness are the higher interpretation of the external stimuli with the biological hunger, thirst, sex and safety as the foundation and the cultural progress over the span of time.

Since they are experiences – the biological appendages that give rise to the five senses cannot detect them.

These experiences are crucial to life because without – life will wither and fade out of existence.

For example – a plant is physically interacted with the soil for the essential nutrients. But, it is the sunlight that fuels the photosynthesis cycle – it is an organic life in action.

The plant does not interact with sunlight the same way as the potassium, nitrogen, phosphorous and water in the soil.

Love and happiness are the brain interpretation of the results from a bounded relationship.

The sun and the relationship are the originated sources. The sun-rays, love, passion and happiness are the essential fuels for life.

Just as the sun is the source of nutrients for life, relationship is packed with the essentials for living.

In the beginning, relationship was the primary source for food, mating and safety. Through civil progress via culture and science, relationship has evolved to become the source for love, happiness, passion, hatred, heartache and envious – over-layering the primordial needs.

The fundamental components in relationship, love, happiness, passion, hatred, heartache and envious are accumulated and experienced through time.

It is overtime and through the act of giving and taking the connection to relationship is established.

It is through time, the act of giving and taking can be adjusted to filter out hatred, heartache and envious – absorbing in only the fundamental components that promote the well-being in the day to day living.

Many relationships failed due to the cobweb of entanglement of what to give and what can be taken. The complexity is multiplied overtime through the advancement of cultures and technologies.

For instance – in just 40 to 50 years, an equivalent of 3 to 4 new generations, it is a demanding effort to find an appropriate gift for the special someone with the gazillion of available options.

The same challenge is faced on the receiving end – the explosion in choices causes the paralysis in what to take.

Regardless of complexities and challenges, the connection to the source of relationship is not possible without the participation in the art of giving and taking.

Once the connection of relationship is established the experiences of joy, happiness, love and passion can be tuned with the proper gives and the appropriate takes.

In all cultures across the globe, the population of extreme takers, Givers-Takers and extreme givers spread in accordance to the normal distribution curve – in relative to the current culture values and the standard of living.

For a well-balance and prosperous society, the population of the Givers-Takers must be the greater than both the Extreme Takers and the Extreme Givers – resulted in the symmetric curve.

By all metrics and overwhelmingly, the majority of population is living in prosperity in comparison to their ancestors in just few generations ago – 50 to 100 years time frame.

The prosperity resulted from not the giving, but the massive taking of the resources from the mother earth.

The repeated act of taking from the weak and the defenseless animals and limited natural resources has slowly conditioned into the population as new generations come into existence.

The act of taking is amplified with each new generation mimic the behavior from the last generation. With animals and natural resources are lessen with each taking – the takers now turn toward each other

As the world population multiplied, the distribution curve is positively skewed toward the Extreme Takers group – with more takers than givers.

The skew is readily observable in countries with extreme level of personal consumption.

Let’s take Japan and United States the example of the positive skew phenomenon.

Once the all the killings for natural resources end with World War II, countries around the world prepare themselves for a piece of the economic pie in the next 74 years – as of 2019.

Within this window of peace and prosperity, United States and Japan emerged as the clear winner.

China is catching up with blistering pace in the last 20 years, but due to the size of the population – the pie is relatively small when divided among the individual citizens.

The combine population of the United States and Japan is less than 6 percents of the global population – yet the citizens of the countries are feasting on 33 percents of the world’s pie.

In addition to the economic prowess, Japanese and Americans are high consumers of personal gadgets – thanks to the imports from China who made it cheap enough for the mass.

The five new generations from these countries whose began their identities as the economic winners from the global perspective – economic winners TAKE from the winnings.

The new generations of takers give much of the prosperity to the imports gadgets from China – forgo of the investment opportunities into personal relationship.

With the abundance of time and resource won from being the global winners and allocated to personal gadgets and pets – the Takers-Givers distribution graph positively skewed to the Takers end of the spectrum.

Essentially, the vast majority of the citizens in highly developed countries are taking more than giving from the perspective of personal relationship – and humanity as a whole.

The vast majority gives to the consumerism lifestyle that ultimately serves the one and only – the self.

Relationship is a source that radiates experiences that gives life its total sum!

The acts of proper gives and appropriate takes will transform the experiences into an elixir for a life that is nothing short of amazing.

Let’s play the game of life!

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