The Beginning

Ages from 1 to 15!

With the exception in cases of identical twins, every one of us started out with the same and unchanged formula in millions of years – a mixture of one egg and one sperm.

At the very moment of the fertilization, the Game of Life begins. The Mother will take on the first 10 months of the game. The Father will join the team on the first day of birth.

Within the next 15 years, the child will grow up to be the Game Changers. The initial trajectory of the path is paved by the teamwork effort of Mom and Dad.

As of the first quarter of the 21st century, the collective efforts from the Game Changers in the past and presence have lifted the lively hood of all people around the world.

Along with progress, come the challenges at the unprecedented global level – wars, nuclear armaments, global warming, artificial intelligence, super virus and more.

These existential crises require a far greater number of geniuses than the population can produce at the current state of the global ecology.

In the first 15 years of life of any child anywhere in the world is the ultimate window of opportunity for the parents, the local community, the State and the World Organization to produce a Game Changer – a larger than life prodigy who has the capability to take on the humanity level challenges.

The recipe for the successful production is straight forward –

  1. Love and affection
  2. Clean water and nourishment
  3. Peaceful dream
  4. Quality, yet most importantly is stimulated and fun learning environment

For children from the ages of 1 to 15, the most crucial external environment for their brain development is the perception of feeling safe and the beneficiary of the love from their parents – not money, title and power most of us will be conditioned into our belief.

Noted that the geniuses often display the aloof behavior very early in life, look out for this subtle act and provide the appropriate social support and affection at a proper distance – the standoffish tendency within the first 15 years is high indicator that the kiddo sees the world at a view different than the general population.

The differences in the world view in the first 15 years have served as the basis for many of the exponential leaps in advancement in the areas of humanities and science for the past few thousands of years.

Clean water and basic nourishment are important investment for the health of the future Game Changers. As stated in The Health Play, longevity is the winner – there is nothing in life that cannot be solved with time.

In the first 15 years, all children should have the opportunity to sleep in peace and quietness and to dream of the coming tomorrow. They do not have any responsibility nor have any capability to deal with the external dramas the parents, the community, the States and the World faced yesterday and again tackling them today – these external day to day living crisis are nothing more than termites chipping way the human potential in the first 15 years.

The ideal world for children from the age of 1 to 15 is constructed with shades ranging from fantasy to visionary – where early experiences should be loaded with creativity and the unbounded view of the world.

As of the first quarter of the 21st century, the overall educational system around the world is designed to be a cookie cutter – this has been proven over and over again with the high dropout rate of the Game Changers over the years – Bill Gate, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg are the few examples.

Structural and disciplinary educational system is an absolute imperative beyond the first 15 years, the Puberty. Unfortunately, it is the potent killer of humanity creativity in The Beginning – the crucial stage in the genius production cycle.

As the members of the current generation, we are carrying the torch of Humanity that has been passing forward for billions of years. As of the 21st century, there is a real possibility that the human species will be the interplanetary kind – with the colonization of Mars is slowing becoming a reality.

The result from the these inspirations along with the challenges, collectively as a species we are taking on now and continue with in the coming future is depending on the quality of the transition from the current generation to the upcoming movers and shakers – who are the children
of today.

Let’s combine all our efforts beginning within the homes then forward to local communities, states and global alliances and invest in the generation that will determine the future of Humanity.

Let’s play the Game of Life!

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