The Puberty

Ages from 15 to 25!

In the Game of Life, Puberty is a define moment in the evolution of humanity where the Game Changers torpedo miles ahead of the population. As for the rest of the cohort, they stuck in the trance of the hormonal chaos – blissfully drench in the most idealist definition of love.

Unbeknownst to all of you, the Evolution landlord is collecting rent from everyone for the contract of being in existence.

With the exception of the geniuses in the population (less than 1 percent), all the young people in this group are relentlessly commanded by the hormonal tidal wave, nothing is matter – let’s love, be in love and more love.

In addition to the high and low of the amorous disposition, Puberty brought on alienation toward family, primarily in the form of discord with the parents. The dilemma became far-reaching in seriousness and catastrophic when the defiance extended beyond the home boundary – disregard school rules and regulation, lack of respect for civil law and order.

What is the causality of the rebellion in puberty?

Mechanically, the human physiology has not changed much for the last few hundred thousands of years. On the contrary, the information in brain is remarkably different than the older version. Think of our entire biology is a computer system with two distinct parts, the hardware and the software (Microsoft operating system) – our hardware physiology is prehistoric, but the software in the brain has been updated with multitudinous versions.

Ever since the first spark of life, Evolution is in charge of the human physiology – any minuscule change of biology in response to the external stimulation will take hundreds if not millions of years for completion.

In the coming future, artificial Intelligence and medical breakthrough will change the pecking order – for now and many more years, Evolution will remain the CEO of the hardware.

In contrast to the prehistoric human physiology, the software in the human brain has been regularly updated by the ever changing external environment.

Since the beginning of time, the earth external environment is being regulated by the big kahuna – the Natural Order. Since the dawn of civilization, man has devised an ingenious plan to take over the ownership of all the natural resources – and the most prize item is land.

Effectively, man became the new CEO of all the natural resources. The rules of engagement in the modern Game of Life are being exclusively updated by us – the human species. All the life basic needs, water, food, home, clothes and security come with a very specific price tag.

Just for clarity, most of the people of the population have the latest software in the brain to understand the rules of the engagement – a high school dropped out will have to do with less basic resource than the college graduate.

The software does not come with the preloaded skill modules for the acquisitions of the managed resources – each skill is an add-on with a price sticker.

It is time to have a better understanding of the perfect storm that has been gathering since the first day of civilization.

Puberty is a function of the human physiology that has not changed much since the ancient time. Whereas the hunting and gathering requirement for the basic support of a unit of a family structure is being exponentially anted up since the Industrial Revolution in 17th century – costlier and greater in complexity for an outdated brain.

In just a little over 300 hundreds years ago, when a young person arrived at puberty, his or her hunting and gathering skill for the traditional resources to support a family unit is in most cases synchronized. This is no long the fact for most young people who are about to step into puberty in the 21st century.

As of the first quarter of the 21st century, the hunting and gathering skill necessary for a proper support of a family unit is out of sync with the puberty window in time for an approximation of 10 years apart – the perfect storm in the formation of the rebellious beast.

The high and low of Puberty are experiencing is normal. It is a rite of passage every one of have to experience as part of being a human. It is how you are reacting to puberty will determine the life path you will embark on for the next 20 to 30 years – below are the major propositions to consider –

  1. You are about to experience the most beautiful and amorous play from the theater of life sponsored by Evolution.
  2. Your parents love you, but they are not perfect.  Work with them, they are your best allies at this stage of the game.
  3. The external world around you is much more complex than your brain perceives and comprehends.
  4. Ultimately, only you know yourself best

Just as statistics are used to determine the player current performance, the 1DesignerLife Framework is used to ascertain the current capability of the participant in the Game of Life. The right illustration in Fig 4 below is the typical stats for an average person at puberty – whereas, the left figure depicts the non-typical player in the same cohort with a solid game statistics.

For most of you from the approximate ages of 15 to 25, your weakest game stat is financial. Yet, the majority of your precious time is devoured with fantasies, sponsored by Evolution along with the devoted helpers of Sales and Marketing – without the game strategy to improve the financial security, this will be the life stress you will experience for years to come.

Life is exciting and extraordinary only when you are in the driver seat.

Let’s play the Game of Life!

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