The Relationship Play

Each and every one of us is the product of a successful relationship play.

Somewhere along the evolution timeline, the minimal requirement for the vast majority of species is that it will take two for the proliferation of the kind – relationship became the essential mechanism for propagation.

Yet billions of years later, we have made very little scientific progress in understanding the true nature of relationship – especially, the relation between the genders.

In the last three hundred years, global advancement in technology and medicine have lifted the entire world population longevity from the average of mid 30 years lifespan to the low 70s – effectively double life expectancy.

The enormous increase in the life expectancy of the entire populace is a monumental confirmation of the human species super capability in comparing to the animals relatives.

The gain has a social side effect – with so many years beyond procreation, many do not know what do with the extra precious time. Midlife crisis is become a unique phenomenon in the human species within the last 300 years.

The 21st century spurt in longevity has little impact on the population in the first 40 years of life. Consciously and unconsciously, we as a species have experienced in living these years for the last few thousands if not hundred thousands of years – the typical life cycle were – born, grow, mate and quickly die.

The increase in lifespan for the mass effectively changed the natural cycle for the entire population – born, grow, mate, grow and slowly die – it is in second half of the game and the slow death of the uninspiring mass that plagues population in the 21st century – especially in highly developed and wealthy countries.

Most marry couples have hard time adjusting life beyond procreation – hence the high divorce rate.

In addition to financial security, relationship plays a vital role in determining the quality of life in these extra years.

Out of the four areas that made up the 1DesignerLife framework, relationship clearly stood out as the least understood and poorly executed by the population – especially in the highly developed countries where personal gadgets are replacing the interpersonal connections.

The lacked knowledge and understanding of relationship due to the fact that the modern society is placing greater emphasis on financial education, training and career opportunities – virtually none or meager investment of effort in the area of person to person relationship.

In addition to the plethora of personal gadgets and the lack of formal education of the subject, the modern scientific discipline has not provided the run-of-the-mill tools to measure the quality of relationship.

Financially, it is quite easy to know that one is about to go into debt when the expenses are greater than the incoming income. The simple arithmetic, banking, Quicken are the just tip of the iceberg options to manage one’s personal finance.

In contrast, most relationship in the 21st century still rely on the human error prone sensory to measure the bond between mates – similarly to using the divining rod to find water beneath the ground.

There is no tool available to provide an insight into a marriage that is one month way from an extra marital affair and or divorce.

The general psychological discipline has not advanced at the same pace as the science of economic. As a result, the general public does not have the proper and decent tools to monitor the quality of relationship.

A successful personal relationship has all the elements of complexity and the required a substantial personal investment on par with any successful career. Unfortunately, we have yet designed a formal curriculum for relationship – essentially we are living off the Disneyland version of relationship.

In 2018, a marriage in the United States has a 50% chance of making beyond the 10-years marker.  Personal relationship plays an essential role in the life quality and the general well being.  Yet for many, the Relationship Play is nothing more than rolling dice.

Here at, we will explore the anatomy of relationship.  We will treat it as physical object with an organic characteristic with respect to growth similarly to a tree – anyone can nurture and growth a seed to its full potential with the understanding of soil, sunlight, water, potassium, nitrogen and phosphate.

Below is an introduction to the anatomy of relationship and the fundamental components that grow it.

Let’s play the Game of Life!

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