Money – The Sixty-Forty Money Play

In the Game of Life, there are four types of participants – the Game Changer, the A-Player, the Player and the Spectator.

Let’s start with the definition of the A-Player!

Who are they?

They are the self-starters, the business owners, the entrepreneurs, the best and the brightest of Engineers and Doctors, the CEOs, the CFOs – they execute and manage the world order in accordance to the vision of the Game Changer, the genius.

In most cases and for a good stretch, the A-Player passionately plays the game and the world responses with admiration and rewards the hard work and dedication with substantial financial gift – minimally three to four times the income of the national mean.

With the exception of the tiny population of geniuses, every single human in the confinement of the modern economy specialized inefficiently at Puberty, including the A-Player – albeit, at a smaller corrupted dose.

Hence, the A-Player was able to evolved closely to his or her natural gift and found rhythm in execution along the way.

It is a close fit, but it is not the perfect fit to his or her natural and unique potential. This is the very reason why many A-Player will lose the passion in the vocation within 10 to 20 years time frame.

In the Game of Life, passion is the rocket fuel for the Game Changer and the A-Player more so than the Player and the Spectator – it is the primary ingredient to reap the very best of them.

Since the dawn of civilization, money is the foundation for all progress. As a result, money and passion become the chicken and egg confusion for the majority of the population – which one comes first, passion or money.

With the exception of the Game Changer – the Genius and the top A-Player, for the majority of the population money is an effective motivator to stimulate the innovation in the Player and Spectator of the game

The reason is very simple. Humans are biological based – hunger and safety occupied the highest position in the unconscious evaluation of the primordial needs.

From the Evolutionary perspective, hunger and safety is hardwired into our biology. At the very least, we get up every day to find food and shelter.

The Sixty-Forty Money Play is designed to keep the A-Player stays engage in the game. Moreover, the play opens up the opportunity for the Player and the Spectator to pursue his or her passion in the Game of Life within 20 years time frame – putting away 40 cents on every dollar earned.

When we are no longer busy tending to our primordial needs, the allotted time is an opportunity for the pursuit of something unique to our individual “self” – with passion.

Within the general population, the geniuses are genetically wired to found their passion at the very early age, and fortunate enough to have the proper environment to support it – they will intensely pursuit it all the way to the end.

Most of us are not fortunate enough to have the right mix of genetic and environment. As a result, we are far less intense and focus toward a specific vocation – more often distracted with shiny objects along the way.

The average productivity of a worker in the 21st century in any profession and anywhere around the world tapered and declined after 10 years on the job. Regardless of the motivation that paired the worker with the occupation – money and personal interest are generally diminished after a decade at the helm.

The loss in productivity and interest at any particular profession is much more pronounce in highly developed countries such as United States, Japan, England and wealthy states around the world.

In less developed countries around the world, hunger and safety remained the top compelling motivation to get everyone to stay engage long after the typical retirement age in highly developed countries.

Once hunger and safety is satisfied, passion in pursuit is crucial ingredient for the making of a fulfill life in its entirety from the beginning to the end – it is not overrated.

When the interest and passion of the profession that has brought the bacon home for the family is dwindling, at the same time the toll physical and mental stress is on the rise – what are the options?

It is a fact that money does not guarantee in happiness. It does give flexibility in options – especially at the critical junctions within every single person life time.

There are four major mile markers in the Game of Life that money gives the flexibility in options: birth, puberty, midlife and death. With the exception of birth, we are in charge of the remains.

In comparing to our animal relatives, human freewill is enormously and complex as the perceived Universe. Sadly, it is severely limited through circumstances or situations which came into our lives just for lack of money.

The Sixty-Forty Money Play is designed to eliminate these destructive situations, at least minimize their catastrophic capability, within 20 years time frame.

In the last five to ten years in the United States, there is a FIRE movement that attracts a small group of millennials.

FIRE – is acronym for Financial Independent Retire Early. It is a system of amassing a large amount of wealth through 50 percents or greater rate of saving.

FIRE has the failure rate of greater than 90 percents. It suffered the same fateful stat as the diet fads over the years. Just for a moment, imagine you are trying to lose 50 lbs of weight. What do you think your chance of success?

The reason is not the saving rate. It is the limitation in the personal mindset the person embraced as the foundation for the journey.

Less than ten percents of the people who get on the FIRE bandwagon achieved some level success for the following reasons –

  1. Most of them are professional who were highly compensated in their chosen field of career. On the average their salary is two to three times the mean wage of the population.
  2. Before the saving began, mentally, they were fully committed to the new life style base on the extreme saving rate for the rest of their lives.

The later reason is fundamentally the foundation of success for the FIRE system or any other similar strategy.

The financial component of the 1DesignerLife system is the redesign of the FIRE for everyone, professional and non-professional. Through education, a custom financial solution can be tailored at the individual level.

The design of the Sixty-Forty Money Play is based on the following components –

  1. The scientific research of the 4% Safe Withdrawal Rate (SWR) – readers are encouraged to investigate the SWR topic for additional comfort and understanding.
  2. The long term average return of investment in ten years is between 6 to 7 percents.
  3. The inflation and tax on long term capital gain and dividends is between 2 to 3 percents.
  4. The participant is in good health and is highly competitive in comparison to the average population.

Figure 4 and figure 5 below illustrated a 20 years financial simulation for the 25 years old who executed the Sixty-Forty Money Play with an income of $44980 per year – $39144 after 2018 tax rate.

After 20 years of execution of the Sixty Forty Money Play by any 25 years old anywhere in the world, the following financial stats are the results from the simulation –

  1. At the 44 years of age, the 25 years old will have accumulated $589,956. The Financial Independent number.
  2. The 4% withdrawal rate from the accumulated saving/investment of $589,956 will generate the income of $23,598.24 for 30 years (Trinity Study).
  3. At the 50 years of age, the 25 years old will have his / her first million.

The one statistic that should be glaring at most of the readers is the $23,598.24 annual budget that must be maintain for 20 years if you are making $44,980 per year or $39,144 net at 2018 tax rate.

This is the standard of living for the average wait staff across food and beverage industries. It is a real life living wage that two to three millions of Americans manage to pay for all their expenses on an annual basis.

This is where the majority of the participants in the FIRE movement failed to achieve their goal. Psychologically, they were not ready for a long term commitment to a new life style.

To each his/her own, The Engineer do not be believe in an absolute financial number that satisfy everyone needs. The Engineer does have an absolute belief that universally, all existence must have an opportunity to express the very best of its uniqueness.

Hence, all money plays are designed with ratios to match with the circumstance and the capability of the individual. The ratio gives the participant of the play the opportunity to calculate the unique financial goal custom to the individual.

The decision to embrace play is completely in the player’s court – the utmost crucial step to achieve any level of success in the Game of Life.

Steve Job, the founder of Apple, once said – “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

A Designed Life begins with a clear and simple money play.

The Sixty-Forty Money Play is yours for execution.

Let’s play the Game of Life!

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