Relationship – Why Do I Have Such a Tough Time Understanding My Mate (Part 1)

In this article, I will show the rigid in cultural identity that many of you will be conditioned into your mindset – is the underlying culprit.

When it comes to Financial as a group, 50 percents of the world population will eventually get it pass the survival aspect of living – and have some joy and happiness in the everyday living.

The same statistical fact does not seem to apply to Relationship. As a matter of fact, the more financially successful of an individual the less of a connection he/she will have with others (Why the Path to Financial Success is a Lonely Road).

But, hey let’s not get distracted with Financial and focus on Relationship in this article!

For a moment, visualize the mass of humanity is divided into two halves – anatomically, we can identify the two groups as male and female.

Yes, yes and yes I got it, there is existed a tiny percentage of people whose body structure is not capable of being categorized in either group – unless you are one of them, let’s not bog down the conversation.

I am going to bring in two words for discussion – Masculine and Feminine.

Googling definition of Masculine – ..having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men, especially strength and aggressiveness…

Googling definition of Feminine – … having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women, especially delicacy and prettiness…

TheEngineer’s definition of Masculine and Feminine –

Masculine and Feminine are natural phenomenon that give rise to the spectrum of thoughts and behaviors that can be categorized as male and female.

The elemental Masculine and Feminine are genderless.

From the purist physical creation point a view – each human being are physically created by the mixture of the Masculine and Feminine natural elements – no different than the current scientifically identified 118 elements on the periodic table.

As an engineer, I am fully aware the above statement will make many scientists cringed because the concept is rested on the tangent boundary of science – progress and breakthrough is not possible without pushing against the upper limit of possibilities.

It is the past, presence and future cultures that takes the physical manifestation of the Masculine and Feminine anatomical structure differences and define the set of lifelong values you and I must live by – a huge limitation to the human freewill.

In the past few years, I have many opportunities to visit Japan on an extended basis. Japan is a structure and orderly society where all aspects of living are clearly defined in either enacted laws or culture – there is a clear and hard boundary definition of a “Man” and a “Woman”.

Interestingly, I personally observed many Japanese men exhibited in public tender and loving behavior toward their children – an act most cultures around the world would consider part of a woman definition.

As a personal experience, I was raised in a chauvinist culture. Yet, I took the first bath for my daughter, fed and changed her diapers on every bestowed opportunity – ironically, much more enthusiastic than my wife.

My father would not have approved some of the “Woman” responsibility.

I recalled many years ago, when I was 18 living at home under my father’s roof. One day he incidentally saw a woman’s underwear in my laundry load and griped of its owner. I told him that it belonged to my girlfriend.

His cultural conditioned chauvinist reaction was – you are a man and you washed a woman’s underwear!

Admittedly for a moment, I felt less of a man in comparison to all the machos who came before me in the bloodline – unconsciously in many ways, I was trying to fit into the man definition manufactured by the culture I was born and raised.

So how are these culture identities were/are/will be manufactured and systematically indoctrinated into the population?

Money or in general economic progress is the foundation for past, present and future civilizations. It is the leadership du jour that determined the cultural identities of a man or a woman.

This is a very powerful classical conditioning technique – if you act and behave just like us, wealth in abundance will be the reward.

If you look at all old photographs of the past – inevitably, the center object of respect and affection was always a man with the woman and his minions evolved around him.

The physical manifestation of the elemental Masculine stature has been priced at a higher value than the elemental Feminine for thousands of years.

Continue with Relationship – Why Do I Have Such a Tough Time Understanding My Mate (Part 2)

Let’s play the game of life!

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