Relationship – COVID-19 Is a Test Case for All Relationships

Below is a visual anatomy of all shades of relationship you may or may not experienced in its entirety within a lifetime.

COVID-19 is a natural occurrence phenomenon that will test the substance of the relationship you are currently participating.


Throughout the human history, many successful leaders succeeded in leading because they had or have solid understandings of their individual “Selves”.

Many of them invested extraordinary amount of personal times for self-reflection – taking the opportunity to deeply know their inner “Selves”.

We are wired as social animals by nature. As a result, the majority of the population rarely strives for self-reflection opportunities away from distractions – COVID-19 will give everyone across the globe a rare opportunity to know his or her “Self” a little better.

For many of you since the day you have out grown the roof of your parents’ homes and move on with your lives, the financial obligation has been relentlessly keeping you in the rat race.

It won’t be long the negative economic impact will force the decision makers in your respective areas to make tough choices who must risk their lives for others to move on.

But for the next few months, close to 90 percents of the world population will have a rare chance to slow down from the rat race.

This is the first time since the dawn of civilization the mass is successful in securing a temporary yet free life from the minority-ruling elites – use the time wisely to know yourself a little better.


The fatality rate is unequivocally discriminated toward the older population.

It is premature to predict the path humanity will take as a group. The human species has been risen from the animalistic stocks. The “Human” label is used to distinguish ourselves from the raw nature – survival of the fittest.

Instinctively, all animals are wired to care and protect the young. No animals observed or discovered to care and protect the old – we are the first in the animal kingdom.

COVID-19 will give the entire of humanity an opportunity to the substance in its worthiness.

Are we going back as animals? Or we are continuing as human beings!


Most of you will eventually grow up and have a responsibility of a family – a lifelong mate along with children of your own.

As I have discussed in the “Self” section above, the majority of you have not invested enough time for self-reflection. You know very little about your “Self”.

If you know every little about your “Self”, it is a given that you know very little about your family – their needs and inspirations.

As the partner of your spouse, for the best of your family, you must know when you lead and when to follow.

As moms and dads of your children, instinctively, you are wired to care and protect your children. But, more importantly, they looked up to you at the first moment at birth – you are their natural leaders, regardless if you have the ability to lead or not.

COVID-19 will give you the opportunity to invest time toward the understanding of your mate and children – and decide your best role in the family.

For many of you, it will be the first time you have an intimate understanding of your own creation.

If you have doubt – always start with the fact that life is precious and mathematically more determined than chances.

Your children are the best natural indicators, the relationship between you and your mate is meant to be!

Invest the COVID-19 down time wisely with your family – you will be a better mate and a better leader for your children when life returns to normalcy.

Friends and Colleagues

COVID-19 is such a rare event that unless you have the leadership or the provider roles in helping the world move forward, stay isolated with just your family is an amazing act of help in solving this global crisis.

It will be hard for many of you because we are wired social creatures. COVID-19 is a temporal event. Beyond all the death statistics, it is a perfect reminder that life is short and precious. This is a rare opportunity to define the right balance between your social need and personal ambition.

Racial Ethnicity, Humanity

The first official case of COVID-19 was recorded in Wuhan China. It is a foregone conclusion that COVID-19 virus is not race specific. The infection along with fatality rate across the globe is ferocious and non-border discriminant.

The only discriminatory about the virus is related to age – older patients in the age range of 65 and older are having harder time fighting the infection once the virus has penetrated the population.

As of the first quarter of the 21st century, the human species is enjoying unprecedented freedom and prosperity resulted from the collective progress – the whole is truly equal to the sum of its parts.

As with all progresses, the benefits are closely accompanied with challenges that can only be addressed from the collective efforts – again the whole solution is required to derive from the sum of its parts.

COVID-19 is a rare opportunity for all countries to test the substance of the collectives – the future of humanity will be determined by the strength in the foundation of our cooperation.


Since the day our first ancestor saw and identified his/her unique reflection from the surface of water – we have been contemplating the origin of our creation.

It is natural to us to imagine the creator to look, walk, talk, feel and think like the rest of us – as our parents.

As science took root pioneered by ancient wise-men, the result is the psychological shift in the population ranged from one God creation to evolution – with different of spiritual shades in between.

As an Electrical Engineer, 2 + 3 always equals to 5 for many years. This scientific precision has served me well in the effort of making my part of contribution – supporting the notion the whole is equal to the sum of its parts.

Science works exceptional well in the physical aspect of society. It failed miserably in the realm of relationship – the best of best scientists in the past and now has yet to fully understand the origin of our creation.

We are biological wired to belong – self, parents, family, friends and colleagues, states and countries, race and ethnicity, humanity and finally divinity.

By traversing the anatomy of relationship from “Self” to “Divinity”, your very existence is progressively becoming more integrated with the unified whole – the structure we will instinctively seek to the end of time.

COVID-19 will give everyone an opportunity to recalibrate the projection of their personal path in relationship – by using the personal Divinity or minimally Humanity as the guiding lighthouse.

Using personal Divinity as a guiding light, you will experience the best of all shades of relationship in between – I am a believer!

Let’s play the game of life!